Halloween 2005
I must say that Halloween 2004 was an easier affair. Anika was only 6 months at that time and didn't quite understand why we grownups were having so much fun with her (and ate all of her candy). This year, well, let's put it this way - Anika has "Terrible Two" tendencies and for a long time refused to let me put the cute bee costume on, then when I got it on her she constantly tried to tear it off, and there was definitely no way I would get her to wear the [tendrils] on her head.
However, things changed to the better when she was distracted by all the nice people we met at each house we rang the doorbell + all the candy they gave away! Yum! Anika had a couple of tastings - however, this year like last year the grownups ate the rest... hehe. I wonder how many more years we can get away with it...
Christopher was in his cool football player outfit and had a lot of fun running around with Anika at the end of our round to the neighbors.

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