Can you believe it???? I'm now one week past the due date, and not even a fake contraction or any sign of the birth starting soon... I'm surprised because with Anika i was one day early, and the first birth is always known to be the one that most likely goes past the due date.
This past week has been an emotional rollercoaster with good days and bad days. Next appointment with the mid-wife is on Tuesday, and I will have two tests if still no baby by then. The first is a non-stress test to check that the baby is doing fine - that when the baby kicks the heart rate stays normal. The second test is a biophysical profile, which is an ultrasound to check the placenta, the baby etc. to make sure everything is still healthy and supporting the baby well. If no baby and all tests are good, the midwifes will still not let me go past 42.5 weeks, which brings me to approx. August 9. That's the latest date we'll have the baby...
Grandma Inger and Grandpa Earl both arrived on July 28 - we had all thought the baby would be born by then. At least i have lots of helpers for Anika :)