Life is almost back to normal...
After 3-4 weeks of a very irregular life due to an overdue pregnancy or a brand new baby, last weekend finally felt like life was returning to normal.
On Friday night we had Matt, Lina and Justin over for take-out dinner (thanks Matt&Lina!!), champaign & wine (thanks Justin!) and conversations/discussions going way into the night. I'm not sure what world problems were solved as I went to bed at midnight...
On Saturday we ran a few errands and spent some time in old-town Alexandria. It was our first family outing trying to do some shopping while bringing both of our girls, and eating a late lunch out together.
Sunday we went to Annapolis because we were supposed to meet up with Justin and go for a trip in his rented 24-foot sailboat. Unfortunately the sailboat was very slow and he didnt make it into Annapolis until 4pm so there was no time for us to go for a short sailtrip in the harbor. But it was nice spending the entire day outside and by the water.

Matt and Justin sharing some good drinks