Our little family: Small and big happenings
Monday, May 14, 2007
Spring was here...
...now it is summer!
I havent taken as many pictures of our flowering bushes and garden this year, it is 'old' news compared with last year which was our first spring at the house. But I did just finish staining a wooden bench I bought with money from my Dad, and prepared a piece of the front yard where I put it together with some freshly planted pots. Looks good, doesn't it?
Alaaeldin's Wedding
Steve and I attended Ala and Liz' wedding party in Herndon April 7. It was great to see some of our old friends again - Ala, Jean, David! Sumer was on a business trip so he couldn't make it.
From Left: Ala, Steve, David, Kine, and best man (his name escapes me)
We had not only one, but two belly dancers perform at the party!
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Anika 3 years!
Anika had been looking forward to her birthday party for a loooong time, and to finally get to wear her new polka-dot birthday dress!!
Lots of family and friends came to Anika's party, I never had time to count, but we had lots of food and cake and fun in the sun. Happy Birthday Anika, we love you!
The big Birthday Girl!
Everyone getting a piece of the cake
Charlie, Liam and Colter enjoying icecream
Grandma Kathleen prepared the birthday treats. Thanks for all your help with everything that day!
Anika also got a beautiful new ballerina dress and a baby doll stroller from Sanaz (sorry mormor Inger, the old one has fallen apart)
Other gifts included a beautiful wodden doll house from grandma, clothes from mormor, clothes from morfar and Eva, and a money purse from grandpa Earl (yes, she is putting more money in it!). Thanks you all!
Grandpa Jim and the girls
Grandpa Jim flew from California to Virginia in mid-March, and he got to see Freya for the first time! He stayed at an Elks Lodge Home in Bedford, Virginia for 5 weeks before he moved into Kathleen's apartment in Brooklyn, New York. She found a bigger place that she, Chris and Jim can all live in comfortably. We can't wait to visit and see the new place!
Catch up - Feb-April pics...
Sorry folks for the few postings lately... life has been very hectic at work with multiple trips for both Kine and Steven, the girls growing like weeds (especially Freya), and dealing with Grandma Shirlie's passing and helping Kathleen taking care of and getting Grandpa Jim situated in Virginia and then Brooklyn.
I'll try to post the best of the pictures taken in the last few months + create a few extra postings of special occasions like Anika's birthday and our recent vacation to Florida!
Anika and pappa built a stellar snow man in February...