NORWAY - Dyreparken (Zoo & Amusement Park)
We flew to Bergen/Norway on July 22, and arrived Monday the 23rd. We got one day or rest before we got in the car and headed down to Kristiansand with my sister Gro and her family, and my mom Inger. We spent 2 days on the road.
Steven had brought his bike to Norway and spent 3 (or was it 4?) days biking from Os to Kristiansand. It was much harder trip than he had originally thought. The terrain was different than expected the last 1-2 days of the trip. The stress he endured before leaving for Norway trying to get his bike ready is a totally different story, you can ask him about it if you want to know... I am not sure I would want to remind him about the miserable time ever again... let's just say it included a broken shipping delivery box that his new bike frame was in, etc.
My Dad in a thoughtful moment the day we arrived.
Anika always enjoys spending time with Eva reading books. Torgeir joined in...
We're off as well, but using a much more comfortable transportation method.... first stop (after 5 minutes in the car) is the ferry between Os/Halhjem and Stord.
From left: Sanaz, Steve, Freya, me, brother-in-law Roy Olav, Anika, and sister Gro. Front: My niece Kaia Malene and nephew Preben.
Freya is without doubt mommy's little girl...
Beautiful view of the Os coastline from the new gas ferry transporting us south. This is where I grew up!
Waiting for yet another ferry before we arrive in Stavanger/Sandnes on our first day of travel.
The second day of our trip started off with a shopping stop at a porselen outlet store.